My favorite book and its synopsis:
What makes a Picture or Early Reader book memorable? I recently considered this question while thinking of ideas for a new book. Then I remembered my favorite book as a child, Alexander and The Magic Mouse. So I gave it a refresher read. Wow, was I blown away at how many of the concepts, ideas and illustrations have shaped my life. An old lady living in a Victorian style home on a hill overlooking a small town with a varied gang of characters she invited back to her home while traveling the world as a young lady. The Magic Mouse predicts a weather event in time for them to prepare, but word needs to get to the town so they can prevent disaster. The lady tries, the yak tries, but they both get turned back. Alexander is the only one who can make it to the town with a message. The town averts disaster, but Alexander has fallen ill. The Magic Mouse prepares a morsel that has Alexander up and about soon. The town rebuilds and then comes up the hill to present a medal to the one who saved the town thinking it was the old lady, but she lets them know the medal is for Alexander. He is pleased, proud, but still primps in the mirror, but now with his new medal!
Read how my favorite childhood book may have influenced my the meantime, you could read the book.....
(continued in Alligator Saves Town! Part II)
